Bear Complex (BRINGING IT BACK!)

This is one rep (do not set the bar down)
1. Power Clean
2. Front Squat
3. Push-Press
4. Back Squat
5. Push-Press
*Strict* - Meaning, make each move not do a Power Clean thruster into a back thruster.  Do a Power clean, then a front squat, then push press...finish every move, yes, this is a game-changer

Do that seven times for one round without setting the bar down

Do 5 rounds total working up to your max... as much rest as you need between rounds

WOD: Front Rack Blast
For Weight/form but do not rest until all is complete
3 Sets:
5 Overhead Press (Pick weight...I will likely do 85lb)
5 Push press - add 10lb
5 Thruster - add 10lb
5 Push Jerk - add 10lb
5 Front Squat - add 10lb
5 Burpees
3min rest

***Choose a weight that will be challenging but you should be able to complete all reps (not easily). In between movements, rack the weight, put on added weight, take a breath and is a max 10-15s rest, this is supposed to blast your shoulders/legs.  In other works, why don't you go take 8 5-lb plates so you can just slap them on quickly
**Feel free to add to your starting weight in Rd2/3 if it is too light

*NOTE: This is kind of an experiment.  I had a WOD stolen that I wanted to do but I hurt my hip in BBall last night so I cut out running/jumping. 
Wendler: Overhead Press
Pull Up work

WOD: Made up, so i'm sorry if it sucks
Push Press (95lb) - Do not use a rack on push press if possible (from the ground)
Sit Up
Push Up

rest 1 min 
- then-

Death By:
Push Press
Sit Up
Push Up
*Do not use a rack on push press if possible (from the ground)

Post time on first workout and then post minute you achieved on the 2nd.

NOTES: Death By - in the first minute, do 1 rep of each movement, in order... 2nd minute, do 2 reps of each movement, in order... go until failure.

Kind of testing this out to see how it goes

I wanted badly to use the workouts from the Crossfit Games finals which are this weekend....but let's just say that I can't even do a scaled version of any of those.
It has been a few weeks since my last post.  Couple things going on in my life that made CrossFit secondary but hopefully I am back on the train now.  Here is the plan: I have mentioned this before that I think there is a solid formula for a workout that will be most beneficial for improvements that I have seen a few other gyms use and I also intend to follow:

5-7min Warmup - nothing fancy, focus on getting a minor sweat going and getting the muscles you are going to use warm (i.e. if you are squatting, do some squats to warm up)
10-15min Strength work - I have been using the Wendler model, but pick your own.  Doing the WOD alone will make you stronger but you need to do some lifting to really see some gains in your CrossFit
10-15min Skill Work - Again, take some time to get better at the things you struggle with (do some O-lifts, handstand push ups, double unders)
10-20min WOD - Here is your CrossFit
5-7min Stretch - My super-lamen formula.  Take a couple minutes to stretch what you used during the workout, then take at least 4 min doing LONG stretches on things that are tight (i.e. for me, with very tight hips, I should do a 2min stretch on each side....other days I work on calves, these are my tight spots)
Total Time: Approx 1hr

I am most certainly a lamen so don't take my word for the above being the best based on my knowledge.  But I like to think I am good at learning from others who are experts and observing.  This is what i've seen very well educated CrossFit gyms/people doing and dammit, it makes sense.  If you don't have that hour, just prioritize...most of the time I would say do a quicker warmup and hit the WOD if you have 20 min but perhaps your goals dictate that you should take that time and just stretch, or just do skill work...whatever, it's all training...just be sure you are actually working towards your goals and not just saying them.

Lastly, I am going to only post WODs from now on (maybe occassionaly mentioning strength or skill work).  That way if you are looking for it you can find it... and you aren't just looking at my workout log.

WOD: From Crossfit Football
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:

7 DB Bent Over Rows
7 DB Squat Cleans
7 DB Push Presses

*Use 40lb dumbells (or scale for you)

Wendler Week 3/Day 4:
Standing Overhead Press
5 Reps @ 75% max (80lb)
3 Reps @ 85% max (90lb)
AMRAP @ 95% max (105lb)

-in between sets-
Pull Ups 5 x 5

O-Lift Form work:
Work on something technique-wise you are bad at.  For example, I do not get under the bar well enough and am severly limiting my lifts... you don't have to lift the weight as high if you GET YOUR ASS DOWN...but I for some reason have trouble with this.  I'll probably work on the clean and snatch with lighter weights and getting my butt down

WOD: from Mainsite (don't do these too often!)
Five rounds for time of:
75 pound Push press, 25 reps
50 Double-unders

Deload Week
Wendler Week 4/Day 2:
Bench Press
5 Reps @ 40% max (70lb)
5 Reps @ 50% max (90lb)
5 Reps @ 60% max (105lb)

In between sets: Pull Ups 5 x 4 reps

Then, from LIttleton
13 Rounds
6 – HPC (Hang Power Clean)
6 – Push Presses
6 – Wtd Lunges (barbell on back)

Same weight for all exercises (115/75), if you put the bar down during the round, immediately perform 13 burpees.
Scale 1: 105lb
Scale 2: 85lb

Wendler Week 1/Day 3:
5 Reps @ 65% max (175lb)
5 Reps @ 75% max (205lb)
AMRAP @ 85% max (230lb)


WOD: Really cool one stolen from Littleton
10 Rounds of 30 Double-Unders. Each time you break your double-unders, you must complete the remaining number of movements as an exercise to equal 30. For example, round 1 you get 30 double-unders, you completed that round. Round 2 you get 18 double-unders – you must complete 12 push-ups prior to moving on to round 3.

ROUND 3 – KB SWINGS (45lb)
ROUND 6 – STS (25lb plate)
ROUND 9 – HALF MOONS (25lb plate)

Today is Rx’d or Scale 3. If you are not solid enough with DU’s to ever stand a chance of getting 30 you should scale to 20 DU’s, then 15 DU’s, then 90 Singles etc.

*Post times
*STS is a side-to-side which in my mind is when you sit on your butt, hold your feet just off the ground and hit the weight on the ground on your left, then your right (that is 1 rep)
*Half moon - here is a video, but basically its like a side-to-side while standing up.  The object (plate or ball) should start on the ground on one side of your feet, bring it up, over your head and to the other side (like making a half moon!).  In this case, each time it passes your head you count it as a rep.
*I will be using 20 DU as my target, if I get 20, I am in the clear, but if I get less than 20, I will do reps up to 30.  So, if you can't do DU and want to do 50 or 90 singles, just try to figure out what a reasonable "penalty" should be based on the Rx version

The goal today is to find your Max for a series of exercises.  You may not be 100% today, and your later exercises may not get to your full max cuz you are tired...but that is okay!  You are not setting World Records here..just giving yourself a baseline.

The purpose is three-fold.  First, it is nice to do a max effort day every once in a while so you feel manly (or womanly!).  Second, many workouts focus on using, for example, 65% of your you should probably know what your max is.  Third, it is important to see and understand your progress so either this Max day is giving you a starting point, or it is letting you know how far you've come.

Find your 1 Rep MAX for each of the following:
Bench Press
Pull Up (max reps)
Front Squat
Standing Overhead Press
Back Squat
Push Press

**Do this is any order, I put what is making sense to me.  Also, warmup as needed, rest as needed, and take as many sets as needed...for example, rep pull ups will likely be over after my first set whereas I probably won't feel safe doing my max squat without a few sets to work up to it but don't burn yourself out warming up.  IT DOES YOU NO GOOD TO CHEAT ON YOUR MAX REP SET, keep good form, your number is your number, cheating a rep will not change that.  Count it if it was awful but don't count it if it was not the movement.

Personally, I will be using this as a baseline for a "Strength Cycle".  I have come to the conclusion that my major holdback in my training is that I am not strong enough.  Think about how much easier a WOD with 12 reps of 115lb push press becomes when your max push press goes from 125lb to 145lb (or even 135lb).  Long story short, I will be using the Wendler 5-3-1 model (awesome link to it).  I will likely be doing these heavy "core" lifts 4 days a week and then supplementing them with crossfit workouts, probably shorter ones than usual, so I don't lose my cardio capacity. 
Week 3 of 5 for the CrossFit Games Open and i'm happy to say, although not impressive, I have been able to at least perform the workouts.  This week is no different.

MEN - includes Masters Men up to 54 years old

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps, 24" box
115 pound Push press, 12 reps
9 Toes-to-bar

*Standards: Box jumps, you must fully extend your knee and hip at the top, as in, BEFORE you jump down.  This makes it much slower and much harder.  Jump on the box, stand up straight, jump down, repeat.
Toes to Bar - Just have both feet touch, any part of the foot.

This should be a doozy
So, there is officially a CrossFit thingy going on at my gym.  We have minimal equipment but they are adding on and I think I will be officially joining soon.  They don't program great but I want to be part of the CrossFit community and I might get a chance to be a trainer here!

Long story long, I will be posting some of their workouts when I do them.

4 Tabatas - do each exercise as a Tabata (8 sets, 20s on 10s off)
Air Squat
rest 1 min
Push Press (65lb)
rest 1 min
Sit Ups
rest 1 min
KB Swing (45lb)

Count the lowest rep total for any of the 8 intervals of each exercise and that is your score